Change Academy

Thinking big, but managing complex tasks with a bite-size approach

Thinking big, but managing complex tasks with a bite-size approach

To be successful in business we need to have a goal, a strategy and a plan. Many books have been written on the subject of business and personal planning. We are expected to work out what is really important to us; focus it into a vision or goal and be able to determine the steps…

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1920 1280 Eddie Kilkelly
Putting the success in succession planning

Putting the success in succession planning

Creating a succession plan is something we tend to do as a contingency measure. Typically, this is as a result of identifying an escapee. Someone who is expected to retire, to be promoted or to find an alternative position. In order to plan for someone to “succeed” their colleague, we need to identify the qualities…

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1920 1280 Eddie Kilkelly
Time out for personal development

Time out for personal development

We all know that Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is important to our careers and our businesses. Budgets have been tight in recent years with investment reserved for only the priority requirements and individuals. Project budgets have had to be squeezed to find funding for anything else while the rest of us have to “make do…

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1920 1280 Eddie Kilkelly

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