We told you recently that the routes to ChPP were a-changing and that from the end of September a new route would open recognising previous, practical experience.
Well, from 30th September a new pathway to ChPP has arrived. This is accompanied by a renaming (and re-ordering) of the ChPP application routes to make them a little more logical to those applying.
There are now four pathways to Chartered Project Professional (ChPP). A full assessment and three pathways that recognise prior attainment. These pathways are:
Pathway 1. Formerly known as Route 3, this will become the primary route to ChPP and requires a full assessment of both practical competence and technical knowledge.
Pathway 2. Formerly known as Route 1, this pathway recognises the prior achievement of recognised technical qualifications. Applicants applying via this pathway will be assessed only for their practical competence against their written application.
Pathway 3. This brand new pathway recognises your previous practical experience. Applicants applying via this pathway will hold a recognised qualification and will be able to demonstrate their track record in project delivery over a period of several years. They will still need to apply in the usual way (albeit with a shortened application) and they will be assessed solely on their technical knowledge.
Finally, Pathway 4. A full exemption pathway which recognises the prior assessment of both technical knowledge and professional practice.
This exciting development will open up the prospect of Chartership to a much wider audience than before. This will connect the APM’s flagship examination – the APM Project Management Qualification (PMQ) – with their most prestigious award – ChPP.
The APM intends to also recognise other qualifications to provide entry to this pathway and, from the launch, the US Project Management Institute’s PMP Qualification will also enable you to apply.
So, what do you need to do?
Firstly, you need to hold a recognised qualification (Eg the PMQ) and secondly, you need to be able to demonstrate that you have significant experience in project delivery.
For holders of the US Project Management Institute’s PMP qualification, the required experience is a pre-requesite of applying to take the training and sit the PMP exam.
For APM PMQ Certificate holders, you will have the added step of completing the ChPP Validated Process. This involves submitting a summary of your project delivery experience for validation by the APM. If this is accepted then you can apply using Pathway 3.
To qualify for ChPP Validated, you must first hold the APM PMQ and, in addition, your project history must meet one of the following criteria:
- Either you must hold a Bachelors degree or equivalent in any subject and be able to demonstrate three years (36 months) of practical experience within the last eight years; or
- Without a degree or equivalent, you must be able to demonstrate five years (60 months) of practical experience within the last eight years.
ChPP Validated can be applied for here and once your experience has been validated you can submit your ChPP Application. Applications for Pathway 3 are now open and the first application window will close on 15th November.
Is Pathway 3 a good thing? Yes, in our view.
Anything the drives the professionalism of project delivery has to be a positive step and ChPP is fast becoming the benchmark standard for project delivery professionals. Pathway 3 connects a large number of certified project managers holding recognised qualifications with a pathway to chartership.
Will Pathway 3 save you time and effort? Not necessarily!
Pathway 3 does require more steps than the other pathway, namely:
- Gain 3-5 years experience over an eight-year period;
- Pass the APM PMQ examination (or equivalent);
- Apply to validate your track record;
- Submit your written application; and
- Pass the interview.
This has to be balanced against Pathway 1 which only requires a written application and an interview. Note that there is no pre-requisite length of experience for Pathway 1. The Pathway 1 interview may be considered more challenging (lasting 2 hours) and may require more preparation but the steps to get there are fewer.
That said, if you already have the required experience and already hold the qualification then Pathway 3 will mean a shorter application and a shorter interview for you. It will also be substantially cheaper!
Changescope. The project leadership people.
We have helped many people through the ChPP application before. Why not contact us to learn more about how to plan, structure, draft and submit your ChPP application. enquiries@changescope.com.
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